Workshops, Italy and Serbia: Disabilities and The Krokodokodil story.

Questo è un sondaggio anonimo e ti preghiamo di fornire risposte oneste
I risultati di questo questionario hanno esclusivamente lo scopo di valutare le attività richieste contenute nel progetto e la valutazione sarà organizzata dai valutatori professionisti dell’Agenzia Erasmus. This is an anonymous survey and please give honest answers
The results of this questionnaire are exclusively for the purpose of evaluating the required activities contained in the project, and evaluation will be organized by the professional evaluators from the Erasmus Agency

ERASMUS partnership - Italian children's Survey

ERASMUS partnership – Italian children’s Survey

ERASMUS partnership – Italian children’s Survey

ERASMUS partnership – Italian children’s Survey

ERASMUS partnership – Italian children’s Survey

LINK to the story – italian .
LINK to the story with sign language and english subtitle: „Crocodile story“ is special prepared in the
form of carpet-theater for children with disabilities.

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