following mobility from Romania, Sălătrucel 23.04.2024 – 26.04.2024

Secondary School No. 1 from Sălătrucel is involved in the Erasmus KA210 European project From disability to visibility and excluded pupils due to any cause to active involvement and real inclusion concerning disability as different way of possibility together with five other schools from Serbia, Greece, Italy, North Macedonia and Romania.

The main objective of this project is to increase awareness especially among children in typical schools and also among teachers about the talent of children with disabilities. The second objective is to use digital technologies throughout all stages of the project as a tool to achieve the first objective. The project started in May 2023.

Between April 23 and 26, 2024 teachers from three schools Constantin Păunescu Special Secondary School, Tecuci, the 1st Junior High School in Didymoteicho, students and parents from Sveti Sava Sabac Primary School and Macedonian pupils and teachers (online) attended the fourth mobility within this project.

The activities that took place in the school aimed to encourage children with different
types of learning difficulties to express themselves in the intercultural context, to show their full potential.

Mobility program:

Mobility program
Tuesday, 23.04.2024
– Guests’ arrival and accommodation at the hotel.

Wednesday, 24.04.2024
– Presentation of the school, of the Romanian education system and of the project team.
– Participation in the art workshop that promotes inclusion, not exclusion.

In this workshop, the guests, in collaboration with students and teachers from our school, created artistic materials on Easter themes, using several working techniques. Macedonian pupils and their teachers attended the workshop online creating similar artistic materials on Easter themes due to the fact that they were unable to travel concerning the government between two countries and travel documentation issues.

– Debate: Inclusive practices and culture in education in our school/country.
At this debate took part representatives of CJRAE Vâlcea (Vâlcea County Center for Educational Resources and Assistance – a related unit of pre-university education, with legal personality, subordinate to the Ministry of Education, specialized in offering, coordinating and monitoring specific educational services), Alina Georgescu and Simona Gîrban, the founders of the 3C AutismMax and Not Different Associations, Liviu Predescu and Mihaela Cristina Lupu and former students with disabilities of Secondary School No. 1, Crăciun Alexandru and Popescu Răzvan.

The two representatives of CJRAE presented legislative and organizational aspects regarding the integration of children with CES in mainstream education.
The two presidents of associations talked about what associations do to help the integration of children with disabilities, about the difficulties faced by children with CES and their families, and about what society can do to support the integration of these children.
The graduates of the school spoke about their personal experience, about the support they received from their families, teachers and student groups they were part of. All this support positively influenced their educational course, one has a degree in law and writes poems, the other one is a high school graduate, head of promotion.

During this debate, the guests answered the questions asked by those present.

– Tour of Călimănești town

The guests visited old churches, historical monuments, and took a walking tour of the town of Călimănești. Parents and children were full of impressions from this trip because they were especially enchanted by nature (air spa and thermal water), as well as by visit to the surrounding monasteries which amazed them by its beauty and tradition.

Thursday, 25.04.2024

– Visit to Ocnele Mari Salt Mine 

– Visit to the 3C AutismMax and Not Different Associations from Râmnicu Vâlcea

During this visit, the two founders, Liviu Predescu and Mihaela Cristina Lupu, gave a brief history of the two associations, described their activity and the 3C therapy – a practical therapy that is carried out through specific physical exercises, also carrying out a demonstration course.
3C therapy builds adaptive behaviours based on basic psychomotor skills in the autistic child. The child will learn to walk correctly, run, manipulate objects and voluntarily change the direction of walking. He will realize the usefulness of learned movements and their practical value. He will be aware of the context in which he is and the presence of those around him. He will learn what discipline means, he will learn that certain behaviours are not allowed.

Serbian pupils participated in this workshop with Therapy 3C in a group with young people who are developmentally disabled we participate in joint workshops. They revealed us their approaches to work and some new methods that we will surely apply in Serbia.
– Dinner with all mobility participants
During this meeting, the activities of the two days were discussed, conclusions were drawn and all the participants received certificates of attendance.
Friday, 26.04.2024
– End of mobility and departure of the guests

links to questionnaires:

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